Home Computing Weekly


Author: D.C.
Publisher: Football Enterprises
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #25

Pools apparently calculates probable draws on past-performance basis, selecting 22 matches for entry as 'Zeep' perms of 900 or 3600 lines.

Instructions unhelpfully load separately, are ramblin and contradictory, and there was difficulty in reaching some program-options from the menu.

Every week you must input number-coded details of *all* matches on the coupon and *all* results - very carefully, because there's no error-trap routine.

'Zeep' perms are not full perms - eight score-draws can come up without winning. Costwise, a stake of 25p seems impossible and the suggested 45p or £1.80 presumably applies to Zetters (low dividends). Littlewoods require £6 or £24 stakes.

Everyone gets the same selection, so shared dividends could be pennies, but you are committed to send the author £55 if three first dividends come up.

With no facility for the Australian pools, testing must await the start of the UK soccer season but, using an old coupon, it achieved two score-draws and two no score draws. I do better with my pin.


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