Home Computing Weekly

High Noon

Author: M.W.
Publisher: Ocean
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #86

This is a shoot-'em-down game with a difference. You are the sheriff in a frontier town and judging by the number of villains it's a full-time job.

The game uses Nova-load and you are serenaded by Gilbert & Sullivan's A Policeman's Lot giving you a foretaste of things to come. You are then thrown into the game, patrolling the main street, shooting the baddies before they rob the bank or run off with the saloon girls. They also try to shoot you.

The main street comprises of the sheriff's office and jail, saloon, bank, hotel and undertaker's, all nicely drawn. Whenever you kill a baddie, Rigor Mortis, the undertaker, dashes out and drags the body away. He seems immune to the effects of gunfire. If you are shot, he drags you away.

Should you survive the first wave, you have a shoot-out for bonus points. Subsequent levels have riders on horseback and men with dynamite.

In all, nicely executed with good graphics and sound effects. If you feel like emulating Gary Cooper, you can do a lot worse than buy this.


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