Home Computing Weekly

Tour De France

Author: K.I.
Publisher: Activision
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Home Computing Weekly #129

All of you lazy cyclists will love this game; you can enter the famous Tour de France cycling race and complete it in only a few hours while sitting in the comfort of your living room with a pot of coffee and a packet of biscuits.

There are 16 different sections of the track that you can cycle along. Each section is loaded off tape separately as it is needed'. There is certainly plenty of variety to choose from. The program gives you the choice of, playing through the entire race or just certain sections of it. Playing the entire race takes a very long time and tends to get boring.

The colours of the background, border and your cyclist are user-definable. The player selection screen contains a list of different nationalities and their respective flags, you may choose a nationality, enter your name and select the sections of the game you wish to play. Next the first section of the race is loaded and away you go. The graphics are displayed in 3D and contain plenty of detail, the spectators even wave at you.

To peddle your cycle you have to move the joystick from side to side. Turning is achieved by holding in the fire button and pressing the joystick in the direction that you wish to turn. The instructions are quite comprehensive and provide plenty of heavy reading. The game is certainly original and gives good value for money.


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