Home Computing Weekly


Author: D.C.
Publisher: Silversoft
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #45

Defend your six cities from missile attack and other nasties with your three missile bases.

Your target sight moves up and down with K and M; left and right with Z and X; Q, W and E fire independent missile launch or L gives computer controlled launch. There is a 'hold everything' button and Kempston joysticks facility.

The graphics are excellent - missiles come in fast and furious, planes, satellites and intelligent weapons abound and the explosion of your cities looks, and sounds, truly evil.

The controls respond so fast that my non-dextrous fingers could not keep up so I engaged an expert.

He reports that it is the best and fastest game of this scenario that he has played and can he have it when I've finished with it - can there be any higher praise?

The only criticism I have is that the enemy weapons are listed under the heading of Strategic Air Defence on the cassette insert, which caused me a little initial confusion and a few burnt out cities.

But I think my expert friend may be disappointed - I'm getting better all the time and my country needs me. Highly recommended.


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