The Story So Far II

Author: Julian Rignall
Publisher: Elite
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Computer & Video Games #97


None of the titles on this compilation are particularly brilliant, and some of them are getting on a bit. There are better compilations available at the same price that offer newer and far more exciting games.


Nothing wildly exciting on offer - many of the better games have already been on other compilations. Check out other compilations before shelling out your dosh on this.


A weak package which suffers the same criticisms as the other two versions. The games might offer a couple of hours entertainment, but you won't come back to them afterwards.

Julian Rignall

Other Spectrum 48K/128K/+2 Game Reviews By Julian Rignall

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    Renegade III: The Final Chapter
  • Thunder Blade Front Cover
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  • Super Nudge 2000 Front Cover
    Super Nudge 2000
  • Christmas Collection Front Cover
    Christmas Collection
  • Cyberball Front Cover
  • Short Circuit Front Cover
    Short Circuit
  • Soldier Of Light Front Cover
    Soldier Of Light
  • Xybots Front Cover
  • Thrill Time Gold II Front Cover
    Thrill Time Gold II
  • Paperboy Front Cover