Sinclair User

The Eidolon

Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: Ricochet
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #76

The Eidolon

This was the third Lucasfilm fractal graphics arcade adventure from Activision, and it's certainly worth getting on budget though I never thought much of it at full price.

You control a time and-space machine, the Eidolon, which transports you into an underground world of dragons, demons and mysterious treasures. While the instructions in this budget version are cut down to a silly extent, the main plot is simple. Make your way through the caverns, blast the dragons, collect diamonds and go on to the next level.

Correctly coloured jewels will open the appropriate barriers, including the one in front of the dragon which guards the gate to the next level. There are also three other monsters on each level, each one of which has to be lapped if you want to collect the jewel it guards.

Apart from the annoying multi-load. well worth a bash.

Overall Summary

Re-released Activision title using fractal graphics in a complex maze game.

Chris Jenkins

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