Sinclair User

Football Director

Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: D&H Games
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #67

Football Director

It must be getting hard to think of new titles for football simulations, what with Football Manager. World Cup Fiasco (sorry. Carnival), Soccer Boss, International Soccer and so on ad nauseam. If you seriously think that simulating it on a computer is worthwhile when you could be watching it on the TV or even playing it in the sunshine, Football Director has all the features you could want: four leagues, twenty teams each, definable teams, substitutions, sending offs, buying and selling players and shares, finance, tax, even sackings and crowd violence. Graphics are non-existent, instructions are minimal and there's an adorable feature by which after you've saved a game position to tape, the program crashes at the end of every season. If you can put up with that, then you should get a fair kick out of Football Director. (Kick - geddit?) More sophis than Football Manager, Director may be, but then that's now a quarter of the price.

Overall Summary

Another attempt at a football management game - aren't there enough about? Bit pricey too.

Chris Jenkins

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