Sinclair User


Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: Ricochet
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #74


This re-release of a BubbleBus oldie is well deserved. Starquake is one of the most enjoyable and well-designed collect-the-objects-and-zap-the-nasties titles. You control BLOB - Bio Logically Operated Being - through a complex of caverns, in search of the components of a planetary core, which are needed to stop it from exploding.

There are flying platforms which help you to speed through some of the more slimy and fast moving baddies, and a transporter network which will allow you to access other to otherwise hidden parts of the cave complex. Unfortunately, the packaging for the review copy omits to mention any of this - it just gives you the control keys and tells you to get on with it. This is either a printing error or an indication of great faith in the ability of Mastertronic's customers to puzzle out how to play the game.

Nice graphics, plenty of challenge and a great bargain. Buy.

Overall Summary

A complex and enjoyable arcade-adventure ideal for mapping freaks.

Chris Jenkins

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