Sinclair User


Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: The Power House
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #79


The jelly shaped pile of pus that is Norman has to free-fall through the domain of the Cubitrons, taking out blocks as he falls.

Around you swirl the Guardians, tiny mites determine to stop you disarranging their neatly piled blocks. You have five Freeze Bombs with which you can paralyse them, but at the bottom of the shaft lurks the Big Cubitron which will kill you instantly if it hits you. You must avoid it long enough to reach the slurper tube which will suck you back up to the top of the shaft. Each time you manage to clear all the blocks on all three screens, you get another level with different arrangements of blocks to clear.

Because all you can do to control the game is move left and right, the action rapidly becomes dull. An interesting idea, then, but most uninterestingly executed.

Overall Summary

Peculiar cross between Breakout and platforms-and-ladders which doesn't quite come off.

Chris Jenkins

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