Home Computing Weekly

Chuckie Egg

Author: M.B.
Publisher: A 'n F
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Home Computing Weekly #50

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the farm, this game makes you think again. The idea is to collect eggs before storks devour the corn or you. The eggs are on different floors. Using ladders you can climb up or down. You can also jump down but, beware, if you fall below the ground floor the undertaker is in business.

The program lets you getused to the game gently. Climbing ladders and dodging nasties is great fun. Later it becomes very skillful with the introduction of lifts as well to gain access to different floors. Everyone knows the dangers of falling down lift shafts, so be very careful.

You use two sets of keys and the space bar. Combinations of these allows you to move up or down, left or right and jump.

An enjoyable game with good graphics. If you are wondering what that duck is doing in the cage, clear eight sheets of the game to find out. The nightmare has begun...


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