Your Sinclair

Canyon Warrior

Author: Jonathan Davies
Publisher: Mastertronic
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Your Sinclair #46

Canyon Warrior

"The alien High Command's base has been found, your task is to find the mothership then blow it to pieces."

Apart from earning its author a slapped wrist for poor use of punctuation (I'd have tried a semi-colon) (Sure Jonathan. So what's that apostrophe doing in the possessive adjective 'its' on your first line?! Prod Ed): Er... um... yes, well... okay... apart from earning its author a slapped wrist for poor use of punctuation, that sentence should serve as an omen of what's coming next. For Canyon Warrior is none other than a stereotyped vertically scrolling shooter, complete with add-on weaponry and an editor for the first three levels.

That's it, really. In comparison with the rest of them, this one fares pretty well. It's fast, slick and tidily presented. There are some good zappy sound effects on the 128K version, and the editor is quite good fun. The one in the game, I mean, not boring old Matt. The only real cause for concern is that the various levels are all a bit samey so the desire to keep battling onwards tends to be quickly replaced by a desire to hit the Reset button.

A harmless enough effort, but I can't see myself loading it up again in the near future.

Jonathan Davies

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