Your Sinclair


Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Gamebusters
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Your Sinclair #38


Ah. so this is what happened to it. Every so often a game is announced amid much excitement, palaver and huge advertising budgets, and then it never shows. Why? What happens? The usual scenario is that the company announces the game before it has seen the finished product, and when it does get an eyeful, the game's so dreadful that everyone tries, usually without success, to forget all about it. Traz is an Arkanoid clone, originally by Cascade, and was converted from the excellent and highly successful Commodore game of the same name. On the Spec, though, it doesn't take a genius to see that it doesn't cut it. So instead of an enormous star-studded (J. Minson) launch, out it has dribbled six months later as a cheapie. It's much the worst game of its kind that I've seen, so let's say no more and let it expire with dignity.

Marcus Berkmann

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