Home Computing Weekly

Stock Car

Author: M.B.
Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Home Computing Weekly #89

This game can be played by one or two players. The idea is to control a stock car around a circuit and avoid colliding with your opponent's car.

Before the game starts you are asked to select the percentage of skid, the number of laps you want and whether you want any oil patches on the track. When I selected 99 per cent skid, which is the maximum, I found myself skidding all over the track. But the computer cars were driving as if the skid factor was 0 per cent. A bit unfair I thought.

To help you control your car there are four gears available to you. Your selected geat and the number of completed laps are displayed at the top of the screen. Next to this display is a horizontal bar indicating your speed. When you have completed your chosen number of laps the car spins around to the sound of a tune, indicating that you have won.

This game is quite fast with adequate graphics. The control keys are logically selected - an ideal game for the young at heart.


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