Home Computing Weekly


Author: D.C.
Publisher: Century
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in Home Computing Weekly #93

It is going to be hard to find fault in the theory of this program, as it was designed by the president of the British Astronomical Association. It is also going to be hard to- criticise the value for money. The package contrains not only the cassette but also a 148 page reference book. The book is excellent, about IS pages devoted to the program and how to run it with the rest providing an excellent introduction and reference text for a beginner.

The program starts with a menu from which you can select three options. The first allows you to decide which part of the sky to look at and on which day of the year, the second gives the option of searching for a particular heavenly body. The third takes you to the sky display screen.

This is the vital part of the program and has the unique feature of a space probe which will reveal the name of any object you move to.

The graphics aren't exceptional but the features are better than any I've seen.


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