Your Sinclair

Pub Trivia Simulator

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Your Sinclair #52

Pub Trivia Simulator

Where would these pages be without at least one mention of the word 'Simulator'? In fact here, as so often, it's completely redundant, as this is just a Pub Trivia game like any other. I'm more than mildly amazed that there haven't been more of these floating around the racks over the years, as there's no better form of computerised trivia game - and I write as someone who has both won and lost outrageous amounts of money on the things. Of course, many Spec-chums are under the magic age of 18, which may have something to do with it, but you can give me this any day before, say, Trivial Pursuit, which completely misses the point of what computers are supposed to do.

That said, Pub Trivia is not the complete success I'd perhaps hoped for. For one thing, the questions are extremely easy, and although it's not hard to get caught out early on - if you get one wrong before you've had a a chance to win any money, that's it - it's almost impossible to lose once you get going. Each question, in a variety of categories, gives you a certain number of points (50 to 300) or, in some cases, a bright shiny 10p bit (yo ho ho). Controls are excellent, graphics pleasantly slick, and the design works very well, but dedicated quiznuts will be disappointed at the standard of the questions.

Marcus Berkmann

Other Reviews Of Pub Trivia Simulator For The Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

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Pub Trivia Simulator (Codemasters)
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