Home Computing Weekly

Hungry Horace

Author: K.I.
Publisher: Melbourne House
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #38

Melbourne House's famous Horace character, first created for the Spectrum, has now made an appearance on the Commodore 64. But after playing this game, I'm bound to wonder what the fuss was all about.

You take the role of Hungry Horace, and your aim is to get from one side of a park to the other, without being stopped by the park-keeper.

On the way, you can eat the flowers and the park-keeper's lunch for extra points.

Hungry Horace

There are four sections of park to go through. After reaching the end of the fourth part, you re-enter the first, but this time the game is much faster.

The game comes with a screen editor so that you can draw your own park sections and save them to tape. I found this difficult to use, and the instructions were not much help either.

If you manage to use the editor, then you can substitute your own mazes for the ones supplied with the game.

I didn't much enjoy playing Hungry Horace. I don't feel that the graphics or the sound really use the Commodore 64's capabilities to the full.


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