Amstrad Action

Classic Invaders

Author: Bob Wade
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Amstrad Action #10

Classic Invaders

It's hard to believe I know, but this really is a version of that grand daddy of all computer games Space Invaders. Quite rightly, it's a budget title, but I get the sneaking suspicion that there will be a fair number of people keen to have a go at this old classic.

For those who have been living in a Tibetan monastery for the last few years and don't know what Invaders is, I'll give a quick summary. You control a single shot laser base that can be moved left and right at the bottom of the screen. Above you appear a phalanx of aliens who shuttle across the screen, moving down and getting faster every time they hit the edge. Between the two forces are three shields that you can hide under. The aliens shoot at you and you shoot at the aliens - they always win but you've got to survive as long as possible.

If you destroy one wave another materialises, lower and faster than before. The only other thing that appears is a spaceship that whizzes across the top of the screen and can be shot for a bonus score.

Classic Invaders

That's all there is to it but even today it will still get the adrenalin pumping and needs good reflexes. The graphics are much more colourful than the original with some nice aliens and explosions. There are also some jolly little musical bursts thrown in and a high score table that you can save for posterity. No prizes at all for originality, but if you're looking for nostalgia or a classic, mindless blast then you might want to shell out the few pennies for it.

Second Opinion

Amazing, isn't it; you really wouldn't think anyone would have the nerve to produce this game. Ah well, human nature never ceases to be miraculous and unfathomable. The game? Well, it's a reasonable version - slick, almost. But that's no excuse.

Green Screen View

Perfect - absolutely perfect.

Good News

P. Nice nostalgia trip.
P. A very colourful and fast version.
P. Hasn't lost much of its addictiveness over the years.

Bad News

N. Appallingly unoriginal.
N. The most mindless of games.

Bob Wade

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