Home Computing Weekly

Castle Of Gems

Author: D.C.
Publisher: MRM
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Home Computing Weekly #87

I watch each new release from this company very carefully, for most of their games are chart toppers and sold at a very reasonable price.

In this game you are changed into Bertie Bear and go around the screen collecting gems.

There are the usual numbers of chasers of all types: trees, gremlins, gem gobblers, ghosts and witches. The difference from a normal walk around game is in the backgrounds. They are a maze of passages but represented in a three dimensional manner.

There are lifts, that only you can use, to the higher levels. There are magic hats to make you invincible for a short period and you can attack the gobblers when they are eating a gem.

The interesting graphics are one of the distinctive features of this program. Plenty of colour, speed and sound effects give a well polished feel to the whole thing. The final feature of note is the inclusion of nine screens in each of the programs and as there are two of these that means you have 18 to complete in all.


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