
Alien Syndrome

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: RAD
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Crash #69

Alien Syndrome

This is the official conversion of that brilliant SEGA coin-op so well received by all magazines when it first came out. You have to battle against all sorts of alien scum, which range from blobs of matter to the big end of level monsters with bits sticking out all over the place. There are various weapons you can pick up along your journey of destruction, including flamethrowers, lasers and fireballs, and there are maps embedded in the walls of the play area which will show you where to go. The idea is to rescue all the prisoners dotted around each level, then go on to defeat the big alien and on to the next level.

All the graphics, sound and colour in Alien Syndrome are great, but it is just let down by the terrible multi-load system which almost every game has these days. That aside, you can get hours of playability out of this, and the meanness of the aliens gets greater as you progress, making it a real challenge.

Alien Syndrome was a first class arcade game in 1987, and the conversion was brilliant when it was first released. Now it has been rereleased at £2.99, all those who missed it first time round just have to check it out.

Nick Roberts

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