

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Kixx
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Crash #67


Hardball is simply a brilliant baseball simulation for one or two players. If you don't know how baseball plays, well, tough. It's too long to go into all the rules here. Basically, you have a pitcher (who throws the ball), a batter (who hits the ball as far as possible) and an umpire (who makes decisions you probably won't agree with!).

Whether you're batting or pitching, you determine your stroke from a menu of options at the top of the screen, and the ball flies off accordingly. If it flies far enough the batter dashes around the bases of the field to score as many runs as possible. The team with the most runs wins.

The presentation of Hardball is wonderful, and graphics are neat throughout (especially oh the pitching scene). Though a little tricky to begin with, Hardball is worth perservering with as it's a decent and realistic simulation.

Nick RobertsRichard Eddy

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