Sinclair User


Author: Garth Sumpter
Publisher: Encore
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #92


Thundercats are go! And so is Elite's budget label ENCORE, which will be releasing all the greatest oldies that you missed the first time around, because you'd spent all your pocket money on fabbo games like Night Rider, Eastenders and the like. Well, you can stop feeling sorry for yourselves and hippety hop for joy 'cos you can now get the old masters at a fraction of their original price! We're not talking a few million quid Van Goch, Rembrandt or Constable oh no siree! We're talking 2.99 for the likes of Paperboy, Ghosts n' Goblins and Thundercats, and the pleasure of knowing that you're loading a great game onto your spectrum... or are you? We're going to review Thundercats for those of you who don't know the game. (Oh come on, there must be one of you) and for those of you who have played it and already know it we're going to remark it and see how it fares against the marks that we give to today's software.

Oh no. Mum-Ra has stolen the Eye of Thundara and only you can can get it back, although to do so you must hack and slash your way through the hordes of Mum-Ra's minions.

Control is a left, right, crouch and sproing affair with the fire button unleashing a mighty swing of your sword which should despatch even the most determined of Mum-Ra's mugging monsters.


Along the way, there are bonuses and such to pick up which you collect by firstly smashing their containers which on the first level are found in trees and look not entirely unlike lavatory bowls. All I can say is that for somewhere as dangerous as Thundara, the birds must be the cleanest you'd ever hope to meet. Anyway, the graphics are still crisp and clean and show a good use of the machine even from all those (two) years ago. And the gameplay? It's simple, it's responsive and most of all, it compliments a really tricky game which relies upon your prowess (Fnarr), and timing.

So if you didn't manage to catch it the first time around then why not earmark a few bob so that you have a complete collection of software. After all, you'll end up paying a budget price for a piece of software that could still compete with some of the full price games on the market now.

Overall Summary

It was great value at full price so what're you waiting for!

Garth Sumpter

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