
The Lamberley Mystery

Author: Paul Rigby
Publisher: Zenobi Software
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Crash #91

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery

The Lambeley Mystery is a three-part text adventure based around episodes from the casebook of famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick, Watson.

Presentation is excellent. The text is white on black using a very readable font. The screen layout is very clean with a upper status bar sectioned off from the rest of the text. This bar holds information on your remaining cash, score, the date and time of day.

Location descriptions tend to be lengthy and atmospheric, although I did find many (too many) location objects were ignored by the EXAMine command. I appreciate the constraints of memory but I think I should've had a decent description of Sherlock's prized violin!

Sherlock Holmes: The Lamberley Mystery

In fact, it was the straight denial that objects existed or could be manipulated that proved the most frustrating thing about this adventure, along with my efforts to try to TALK to people - it doesn't always get a response. RAMSAVE and LOAD is supported, though, which proved very handy on more than one occasion.

The Lamberley Mystery is a fairly simple game, very linear, but it gives you the impression there's more to it. It proves very disheartening to find this gloss is only skin deep.

Overall 73%

Contact Point: 26 Spotland Tops, Cutgate, Rochdale Lance OL12 7NX

Paul Rigby

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