
Ready, Steady, Go!

Author: Mark Caswell
Publisher: Alternative
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Crash #55

Ready Steady Go

Do you want to get fit? Well, slump down in your favourite armchair and prepare to your trigger finger a good workout. There are four events for one or two players: track hurdling, canoeing, cycling, and penalty saving.

In the first event the competitor must complete five laps of a race track within the imposed time limit. Misjudging the hurdles results in the loss of valuable time.

On to the canoeing. The objective here s to row four lengths against the clock. There are two types of rock and the current to contend with. Fail to take sufficient care and a holed canoe is the result.

Ready Steady Go

Back on to the three-laned track for 12 laps of cycling. You can change lanes at will, as long as your opponent isn't occupying it. Careful use of the lanes ensures a safe and speedy victory.

Ever fancied being a top class goalie? The fourth event puts you in goal facing a determined opponent who tries to score ten penalty shots.


Joysticks: Kempston, Sinclair
Graphics: stick men, primitive
Sound: none

Nick ... 05%

'My poor fingers, Remember Daley Thompson's Decathlon all those years ago? You had to wear out your Spectrum membrane to complete one level. Well, multiply the frustration of that by ten, and you could be getting close to Ready Steady Go. The control method is appalling, the graphics are basic and there is hardly any sound at all. If that isn't enough to put you off, then this will - it takes what seems like five minutes for the computer to recognise that you've pressed start and it's almost impossible to qualify. Don't buy this unless you have super hydraulic fingers and a very high level of patience.'

Mark ... 19%

'Watching stick-like sprites hobbling around badly drawn backgrounds isn't my idea of fun. Gameplay is just as primitive as the graphics: any interest I might have had was immediately crushed. After halt an hour of bashing away on the keyboard, I came away with painful fingers, and a throat sore from shouting at my wobbly character sprite as he huffed and puffed his way around the screen. If you're a sports fan, stick to some other simulation of your favourite games.'

Mark CaswellNick Roberts

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