Sinclair User

Rapid Fire

Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: Mastertronic
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2

Published in Sinclair User #67

Rapid Fire

Could have been good, but ain't. Rapid Fire is one of those desperate mixtures of themes where valiant undercover cops battle to disable plasma computers (huh?) and power electrodes (wha....?) in order to destroy a warehouse full of criminals.

Run left and right, shoot diagonally upwards to pick off the snipers, jump over bombs, leap up to shake off unarmed baddies.

The scenario's there, but the graphics certainly aren't. The horizontally-scrolling backgrounds are pretty dull, the heroic cop runs like a pregnant duck and his macho machinegun looks like a broom handle.

Not interesting enough to keep you going through the five levels - more a case of 'rapid boredom' if you ask me.

Overall Summary

Below average arcade effort imitating the merely average Cobra and Death Wish licences.

Chris Jenkins

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