
Moving Target

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Players Premier
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Crash #69

Moving Target

I t was a secret CIA intelligence report that started it all off (well isn't it always?), and it's you who must finish it Under orders from the special United Nations narcotics taskforce you and your team smuggled four bombs into the underground cocaine refinery of the Evil Drugs Duke of Colombia, hidden in the South American jungle. Your team didn't stand a chance: all but you were immediately wiped out by the Duke's gun happy henchmen, and the bombs were never connected to their electrical generators. You must complete the mission!

And it's action all the way: jumping and moving around obstacles like dogs, barbed wire and land mines the slightest touch of which decreases your energy and loses your life. Shooting comes into it, of course, with a bonus system built in. Shoot 50 henchmen and you're given a choice of points, food or ammo to build yourself up again.

Moving Target bears a striking resemblance to the second part of Navy Moves from Dinamic. The sprites move, jump and in some can look like the ones in Navy Moves, but we can let the programmers get away with it, as it's the best budget gams I've played today! Music, effects and colour are all excellent, but the graphics do seem awkward and there is a lack of animation when your player jumps. All in all, Moving Target is a great blast at the price and should give you hours of play.

Nick Roberts

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