Home Computing Weekly

Loony Lander

Author: D.N.
Publisher: Software Supersavers
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #91

The cassette insert gives you very brief instructions on how to play, no loading instructions or game objectives. Once loaded, there is a display of the scenes, and from that the user is left to guess the objective.

There are 11 scenes to work through to finish the game. At first you seem to be getting a lot for your money, but the objectives and playing style in each scene become boringly repetitive very quickly.

The game isn't particularly original. You control a lunar lander which you have to guide down to a landing strip, avoiding objects which are moving horizontally across the screen. You get scenes like a research station, subway, oasis and a worm's hideout. They all begin to look and feel the same after a few minutes.

At the end of my disastrous first attempt earning the magnificent high score of zero, a message appeared to congratulate me on achieving the highest score of the day!

This piece of software deserves its low price - any more and it could justifiably be called a ripoff!


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