

Author: Nick Roberts
Publisher: Codemasters
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Crash #87


Pad your small plane full of explosives and set off on a do-or-die mission to rescue the VIP hostages. The only way get them out of their fortified prison is to dive-bomb the place in true kamikaze style.

You take off from your HQ and have to clear the skies of enemy aircraft (biplanes, jets, paratroopers and even space ships!) on your way to prison. A well aimed bullet is all you have to blow these suckers away and looking at the speed some of them go, it's a toughie. Playing Kamikaze is easier said than done. Your first few attempts at VIP rescue will probably be spent crashing into your HQ building, as there isn't much room on the runway. Though the necessary tactics don't take too long to learn and after a couple of missions you'll be successfully rescuing the prisoners.

However, it's annoying the way other planes collide with you at high speeds. They just belt in from a side, then - kaboom! - you're dead. Kamikaze is a fun game but pretty frustrating, too.

Nick Roberts

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