Sinclair User


Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: Players
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Sinclair User #108


Yes yes yes! This is a STONKER! If you didn't get Impossaball when it first appeared at full price on the Hewson label, get it now or you're a nebbish.

Set in a strange 3-D world, Impossaball requires you to steer a spheroid through eight dangerous landscapes full of floating energy fields, fire bolts, deadly spikes and telescoping cylinders. The cylinders are your target; jump on each one on each level to complete the game. Of course, there's a time limit for each level so don't put your balls down for too long. (Oo-er)

The control method involves steering the ball in and out of the screen and to the right, and pressing Fire to build up "bounce". If you miss a cylinder the landscape scrolls around to let you have another go at it. Hitting a magic ring gains you a life, but hitting another one loses you a life, so watch it.


Excellent realistic dynamics, unusual gameplay and smooth variable-speed scrolling make Impossaball an unmissable budget goodie. Bounce down to the shops at once.

Label: Players Price: £2.99 48/128K Reviewer: Chris Jenkins

Overall Summary

Unusual, challenging and exciting arcade fun with balls.

Chris Jenkins

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