Your Sinclair


Author: Marcus Berkmann
Publisher: Hewson Consultants
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Your Sinclair #15


Bouncy, bouncy! There's an awful lot of globoids boinging about at the moment, but none quite like this elastic little spherule from Hewson. Springing your ball through a course of classical terraces, you manoeuvre it around hazards both mobile and stationary to jump on small cylinders and batter them into the ground. Honest. You even get points for it all. But don't recoil, 'cos it's totally addictive.

There are eight levels in the course, which may not sound a lot, but each has its own special hazards to drive you barmy with frustration. The screen scrolls from left to right (and v. smoothly too. I may say), and you score points for each cylinder you bop on the bonce, as well as the amount of the course you cover. Cylinders tend to lie within puzzles of thought-provoking complexity, the sort of teasers you always get wrong the first time you try them.

The nasties don't vary a lot and they have much the same effect. The spikes are stationary but you'll have to be on the ball to avoid the patrolling plasma fields and two bolts. Magic rings complicate matters a little - the first time you hit them you'll gain extra time, but try it again and kerboom! Naturally, these feckless flashers crop up in all the most awkward places.

It all sounds very simple, and, like most of the best games, it is. Behind it all, of course, is some very slick and sophisticated programming, especially in the convincing 3D display. Impossaball will stretch the bounds of your imagination. You'd have to be a complete bounder not to enjoy it.

Marcus Berkmann

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