A&B Computing

Gisburne's Castle

Author: Dave Reeder
Publisher: Ricochet
Machine: BBC/Electron

Published in A&B Computing 4.11

Probably the weakest of the re-releases of early Martech software (this one dates from 1984), this is an 'arcade adventure' of uneven quality.

Like many others, it involves searching a castle, picking up and using objects and solving puzzles until you can rescue Maid Marion (sic). About the quality of Wizzy's Mansion or Labyrinth - you decide if that suggests spending £1.99!

Dave Reeder

Other BBC/Electron Game Reviews By Dave Reeder

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  • Bruce Lee Front Cover
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  • Joust Front Cover
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  • Lemming Syndrome Front Cover
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  • Plunder Front Cover
  • Colossus Bridge 4 Front Cover
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  • Guardian Front Cover
  • Indoor Sports Front Cover
    Indoor Sports
  • Easywrite Front Cover