Home Computing Weekly


Author: D.C.
Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: Acorn Electron

Published in Home Computing Weekly #79

Here is another of the top selling BBC games being translated to run on the Electron. The game involves being set down in a haunted house trying to get from level to level while avoiding the ghosts who are determined to kill you.

There are various banks of 'stray edibles' to eat on your way and special pills which cause ghouls to disappear. There are plenty of hazards too, creepy spiders, super springs which tend to splatter you on the roof, magic lifts and moving floors to name just a few.

The game is responsive and has a joystick option for those with the interface needed to use them. All told, the game is good, fast and interesting. What spoils it for me is the fact that the translation is a little shoddy. Perhaps it's because I've played the other version but the sound and graphics, particularly in the opening sequence, are less than I might have expected. The game itself is fine however and a good addition to the Electron range.


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  • Jet Power Jack Front Cover
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  • Overdrive Front Cover
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