Home Computing Weekly

Ghost Town

Categories: Review: Software
Author: C.C.
Publisher: Virgin Games
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #46

Ghost Town is an adventure game set in and around a desolate old mining town and the parched Californian desert.

The gold rush is over, but there's a forgotten gold mine out there somewhere. The object is to find that hidden gold and make sure your way back to the town square with the loot (I would have thought the nearest saloon more appropriate). You have to piece together the clues to find El Dorado. First you need the map - that's quite easy, but the rest of the clues will really have you scratching your head. I won't spoil things, but let's just say that there are surprises aplenty in store.

Ghost Town is well thought out. The screen display creates the right sort of atmosphere and is cleverly designed. The program will accept instructions from the adventure in three forms: as two-word sentences, as single words or as single letter abbreviations. Your commands are not limited by the program's extensive vocabulary.

The instructions provided are perfectly adequate but, if anything, the cassette presentation is a bit over the to. Hitherto I haven't been an avid adventurer, but this game had me enthralled.


Other Reviews Of Ghost Town For The Spectrum 48K/128K

Ghost Town (Virgin Games)
A review by SM (Personal Computer Games)

Ghost Town (Virgin Games)
A review by James Walsh (ZX Computing)

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