Home Computing Weekly

First Aid

Categories: Review: Software
Author: C.C.
Publisher: Network Computer Systems
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #30

This Basic program is a comprehensive guide to first aid, presented in a lively and interesting manner. It's easy to use and rewarding.

On loading, you are presented with a menu with options for: studying the whole course, revising any topic, or testing yourself on any topic. The list of topics comprises: scope of first aid, body mechanism, asphyxia, bleeding, broken bones, burns and scalds, poisoning, shock and emergency procedures. In short, all you need to know.

The program really gets to the heart of the matter (sorry!) with concise and lucid text displays. These are supported by simple but effective diagrams. For example, the blood circulation is shown in full colour with sound effects for the pulse. You study at your own pace, the next page being accessed by pressing any key.

When you answer questions, the program compares your input with key words held in a string variable. This means it will accept the right words in a line full of gibberish! Also, it doesn't tell you which of the words in your answer were the right ones. Despite these drawbacks, it's satisfying when you score well.


Other Reviews Of The First Aid Program For The Spectrum 48K

The First Aid Program (Network Computer Systems Ltd)
A review by James Walsh (ZX Computing)

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