Home Computing Weekly

Crazy Balloon

Author: B.J.
Publisher: Software Projects
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #50

Another arcade classic translated and enhanced for the Commodore 64.

In case you don't know the idea, you guide a balloon around prickly mazes - one touch and pop! The balloon sways gently from side to side and some obstacles have to be passed at just the right angle. To add to your problems, there are assorted mobile balloon-bursting shapes to dodge, plus bonus squares that you do want to bump into to collect the bonus. Scores for each of the 26 screens depend on how fast you complete them. You start with five lives but gain an extra one for each screen successfully completed.

There is a choice of keyboard or joystick control and I found the joystick very smooth and pleasant to use. Colour and graphics generally are pleasing, with a lovely-looking and sounding balloon burst.

Moans: I'd prefer a choice of entry screen; it displays score of "Player 1", but there is no two player option as far as I can tell; the packaging and instructions aren't terribly helpful. Nevertheless, it's a good game, tolerably well implemented.


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