Sinclair User


Author: Chris Jenkins
Publisher: Firebird
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Sinclair User #74


Doff by Tau Ceti programmer Pete Cooke on a wet Tuesday afternoon, one assumes, Brainstorm is a combination of quick reactions and forward planning which is well worth a look.

The screen is divided into coloured blocks, and around it bounces a little white bed. At the bottom of the screen are three line-projectors. Select one from the menu on the right of the screen, move your pointer to the playing area, end press fire to project a line on to the screen.

The aim is to pen the bouncing ball within the impenetrable lines. The trick is to pen it in over the red-coloured areas of the screen, where the ball will score you points until the timer runs out, but other colours will lose you points, so a cool hand and a quick eye are demanded.

With 26 screens of increasing to complete, Brainstorm is a lot more fun than it looks and should be on your shopping list.

Overall Summary

One of those 'lusty graphics and gameplay' type budget games.

Chris Jenkins

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