Home Computing Weekly

Aliard's Tome

Author: B.J.
Publisher: Romik
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Home Computing Weekly #101

There are so many adventures around these days that new ones need to be at least a little bit above the average to be worth bothering with. Aliard's Tome is worth bothering with.

The basic theme is not exceptional - the usual castle/dungeon/caves to explore - but there are a few nice twists, Instead of having a limit to the number of items you can carry, each item has a weight. The heavier your total load, the faster your health runs out - much more realistic.

There are only 35 rooms and most you can get to easily. But some of the items you find, can't be used for quite a while. That gives you clues about what you need to find first, and the flavour of how the adventure will progress. To me, the essential ingredient many adventures lack is a sense of humour; not so here. Examine the skeleton for example.

This is a purely text based adventure. There are no hi-res pictures to soak up memory without providing extra clues to help you progress. It's not earth shattering, but it's worth the effort.


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