Vallation ========= Introduction ------------ Vallation is a maze game set in space. In it you must fly your little spaceship through an enemy complex and try to escape. Avoid being shot by enemies, colliding with missiles or cut in half by the laser barriers. Only the brave need apply. Originally released for the Commodore 64 by Jason Kelk (RGCD C64 Cartridge Development Competition 2013), this new Spectrum version of Vallation has 101 screens (30 more) and enemies that shoot back! Game Controls ------------- QAOP and SPACE to control the game. Quit game using SHIFT-SPACE. All keys except QUIT can be redefined. No joystick controls are available. Loading ------- LOAD"" (ENTER) Spectrum 128K users should select Loader from the Main Menu. Game Credits ------------ Idea and design of original game: Jason Kelk aka. Cosine. The Spectrum version coded by Søren Borgquist aka. Sokurah. Spectrum graphics by Craig Stevenson aka. Redballoon. Spectrum music by Johan Elebrink aka. Brink.