KEY EXPLANATION 1-6 GREYHOUND INFORMATION. R START RACE. B TRACK BOOKIES WILL GIVE YOU FIXED ODDS. S PLAYER MONEY & POINTS. C COURSE BOOKIE WILL GIVE YOU STARTING ODDS. O OVERALL RECORDS OF THE SIX DOGS TAKING PART. L LAST RACES FINISH RESULT. Q QUALIFYING DOGS FOR WEMBLEY. N TO ENTER A NEW GAME. 8 SAVE A GAME. 9 LOAD YOUR OLD GAME. BETTING STRAIGHT FORECAST: PICKING THE 1st & 2nd DOG IN THE RIGHT ORDER. REVERSE FORECAST: PICKING 1st & 2nd DOG IN ANY ORDER. WIN ONLY: PICKING THE FIRST DOG. Cult cannot guarantee that all the features are on all the versions. Written by P.K. McManus Copyright 1988 D & H Games. This program is sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the publishers, and the contents are not to be copied, hired, re-sold, publicly performed or broadcast without the publishers written consent. P R O D U C E D B Y A P P L E T R E E P R I N T L T D ( 0 3 0 2 ) 8 9 0 0 0 0