4 Most Megaheroes ================= Dandy ----- Hack, thrash and pillage your way to oblivion in fifteen dungeons that descend into the heat and darkness of men's souls. Sheba, raw onions and knackwurst, 240lbs of screaming bloodlust. Thor, one Norwegian mother you don't mess with. Alone or together the challenge remains the same: grab the treasure and trash the droves of nasties that are bent hell-ways to trash you. Keep your energy up with any snacks you find and you may even come out alive. If you do and all the treasure has been collected you will be presented with a clue at the end of each set of dungeons. Collect the clues from all these dungeon loads and solve the riddle. Dandy Game Controls ------------------- Player One: Z - Left, X - Right, Q - Up, A - Down, C - Fire SPACE - Cast Spell (1 player mode), F - Case Spell (2 player mode), R - Trade treasure for energy Player Two: N - Left, M - Right, P - Up, L - Down, B - Fire G - Cast Spell, T - Trade treasure for energy Spells are cast randomly and either disorientate, paralyse or kill. One or two player option. Select dungeon; play them in any order you like. Trade treasure for energy. Sinclair interface 2, Kempston or keyboard. Space Trooper ------------- You are the sole survivor of the Yablon massacre, when the entire regiment of Genetic Soldiers was betrayed and destroyed. Your only companions are three of your buddies, their personalities stored at the moment of their deaths as bio-chips, now mounted on your gun, backpack and helmet. Your driving urge is to find and expose the traitor responsible for the slaughter of your comrades. This quest has forced you to desert from your own side. You must search this alien planet for eight video tapes filmed by security cameras. The video tapes in their armoured cases will have survived the destruction and can provide the only concrete evidence of the traitor's identity. Finding the tapes would involve exhaustive searching across vast, inhospitable terrain - something that neither side feels the need to do. It's up to you, Space Trooper, to battle to survive and to find the tapes. Your chip buddies will advise you (see top right of the screen), support you along the way, aid your protection, make your firing more fierce, dispense the battle computer (top left of screen), ammo, grenades and all kinds of equipment as and when you need it. You must bear in mind that, despite being clones, the chip buddies do have personalities of their own. Tread carefully, Space. The planet is swarming with aliens who will shoot you on sight and soldiers who have no time for a deserter. You must survive until you have found the tapes. Take them to the space vehicle to prove the traitor's identity. Then, at last, your chip buddies can be re-gened to their former existence. Space Trooper Game Controls --------------------------- All keys are redefinable. Freddy Hardest -------------- Freddy Hardest, after one of his 'Little Parties' sets off on blast through the Milky Way to play space invaders with a meteorite storm. Obviously this amusement couldn't have a happy ending and our hero collides with a meteorite, crash landing on the moon of the planet Ternat, site of the alien base of Kaldar. Bruised but laughing, Freddy scrambles out of the wrecked craft but it slowly dawns on him that his predicament is pretty serious - he needs to survive long enough to source some alternative transport and hi-jack it to make good his escape. Part One -------- Freddy's objective, having established his predicament, is to reach the enemy base situated at the far end of the satellite. To achieve this hazardous task he must avoid or dispose of the following aliens. 1. Avoidois: Mammal-type creature with poisonous skin - a mere brush provides instantaneous death. 2. Antoids They live in craters and feed on intruders attacking by rolling into a ball. 3. Inhabitants These are the owners of the building - human reptile mutations, immune to laser-fire, must be defeated by hand-to-hand combat. 4. Micro Sounders Passive sentinels on the alert for the slighest movement! 5. Gabarda Robots They may look human, but are killers, cold as steel. 6. Watching Robots Always alert to prevent transgression of their area. Their floating property means a flying kick to de-activate their circuits is more effective. 7. Koptos Genetic derivative of the one-eyed Akaelons - they're as dangerous as they're ugly! 8. Snakkers A mutant tribe of snakes inhibiting wells of fetid waters - devouring everything. There are 16 computer terminals scattered around the three other levels of the base from which you will obtain the Captain's Code and relevant information of the hyper-drive, linked to a particular colour of ship. Nuclear energy cells will also be scattered around and these must be taken to the loading lifts marked. To activate the lift, access the terminal control and transport the fuel to the designated ship. When you have obtained all the relevant information and loaded your chosen ship, go down to the hangars, jump over the security rail, punch in the Captain's Code and take off for your journey back to fun and games. If all this sounds straight-forward just hold on a minute, you don't think it's going to be that easy, do you? While completing your tasks you also have to cope with some pretty angry residents who don't want you to break into their base and steal their spaceship! Freddy Hardest Game Controls ---------------------------- O - Left, P - Right, Q - Jump, A - Down, SPACE - Fire Up & Fire - Flying Kick Down & Fire - Shoot Laser Control is by joystick or keyboard which is fully redefinable. When you are in front of a tunnel entrance push Up to enter the tunnel. To access the lift (shown by darker panels on the floor) go Up or Down to go to the level above or below. Floating islands appear above the surface enabling you to cross the voids - time your jumps carefully. When you successfully reach the base an Access Code will be displayed on screen make careful note of this as you will need to input this code after loading Part II before commencing your escape. Part Two -------- There are four levels at the alien base, one of which houses four spaceships colour-coded to your escape inventory. To escape to freedom you must: 1. Obtain the Captain's code 2. Load the ships energy 3. Locate instruction to initiate the jump to Hyperspace The four spaceships are coded with the following key: RE - Red BL - Blue GR - Green WH - White Hints And Tips -------------- 1. Always time flying kicks very carefully. 2. Always look before you leap. 3. Become familiar with the layout of the space station. 4. Make good use of the lifts. Status And Scoring ------------------ Part 1: 200 points are awarded for each alien. An extra life is awarded after 10,000 points and every 20,000 thereafter. Part 2: 200 points are awarded for each alien and an extra life is awarded after 10,000 points. Captain S --------- OK, fans, you play Captain 'S', a member of the Elite Corp from the Planet Sevilla. Sent to Earth to combat evil, you will have to make full use of your super 'S' strength on the daring missions. The rest is up to you, Mon Capitan! The game is made up of two parts. To play part 2 you must compelte part 1 and obtain the access code. First Load ---------- In the first part of the game you are in a town with buildings, refurbishing works, parks, etc. Your mission is to locate the rocket that will take you to a certain planet scenario of part 2. You must keep your eyes open and avoid contact with these characters: 1. Jack: He's an ill-tempered labourer. The moment he sees you he'll go straight to you. Avoid him as best as you can and try to eliminate him. 2. Tom, Dick & Harry: Three very naughty friends. Their merry pranks can cause you a bit of trouble, but don't do anything to them - after all, they're only kids. 3. Waiter: A sadistic and cruel person affected by radiation. Give him a couple of punches and you'll get the sausage he carries on his tray. 4. Long Pretty Willoby: A gunman in search of rewards, commissioned by Professor Torrebruno. He grew up in rough surroundings that led him into vice and corruption. Look out for him. 5. Fatty Black Jones: Long Pretty Willoby's "shadow" who's even faster with his gun. Keep your eye on him or you'll regret it. 6. Pink Dumbo No, you haven't had one too many. This is the most evolved specimen of the Winged Elephant genus. Though he looks cute, don't trust him. 7. Geosincopate Robotroid: He watches you all the time and when you least expect it he'll spray you with watered-down electrons. 8. Volatile Hamburger: Don't try to eat it - destroy it! 9. Dustbin: This fellow stinks. Stay away from him. 10. Mary Groupie: An ardent fan of Captain S. Don't let her get near you: she has nasty intentions. 11. Aerosatic Retard: An autonomous aerospatial vigilante unit. 12. Brave Bull: A beastly bull that chases you. Don't let him get near you. 13. Muffled Gargle: A brute force of nature whose objective is Captain S. 14. Cheppy Thon: An armoured android, practically indestructible. 15. Attack Soldier: Trained to kill. Be careful with the megaprotones that he shoots. Second Load ----------- You are on planet Lobster. Go through the temple in ruins, the propane gas refinery, enter the base and go up to the next level. Once you are here use the computers, get passed the fighter planes and finally disconnect the plasma cannons. Surely you can do it. Good luck! Your enemies in part 2 are: 1. Postmodern Brontosaur: He comes out of nowhere and lunges at you. If you don't eliminate him you can't get to the next screen. 2. Highscooter: Security robot. 3. Willy The Froggie: A cunning defender of the fauna on planet Lobster. 4. Cyborg Shock: A courageous and fierce guardian of the refinery. 5. Vibro Cannon: He defends the upper level of the base with terrific balls of plasma. 6. Tracto Arm: A maintenance robot that has gone mad after suffering a photonic discharge. He will chase you. 7. Mystical Warrior: He guards the ruins of the ancient civilisations on planet Lobster. 8. Cleaning Batiscop: A simple washing machine, although quite dangerous. 9. TX-4 Manicut: A complex computerised manicure system. Mariano's Capabilities ---------------------- When you are Mariano in the game there isn't much you can do. Avoid contact with all the characters of the game, or else you will lose a life. Use your fists to protect yourself and look for a sausage to eat, and that way you can become 'Captain S'. Captain S Capabilities ---------------------- Superpowers!!! Before listing your superpowers, you have to know how to use them. On the screen you will see a square (selection square) and a diagram inside. Each diagram indicates one of these superpowers: 1. Superblow: If the diagram is of a blower. Press the Action button and everything that gets in your way will be blown away. 2. Supershoot: If the diagram is of a sausage. Try shooting! You'll feel the strength of Captain S. 3. Superdefence: If in the square the symbol of radioactivity is shown, use it - you will be immune to attacks for a few seconds. Choose whichever of the three you need with the selection button. Apart from these three superpowers there are another three that don't have to be selected: 4. Free-flying: Press the Jump button and at the same time the Action button over and over. 5. Superjump: You can jump incredibly high and far. This is very useful. 6. Superforce: With this you won't lose a life when attacked. Instead you lose Power, which appears on screen as a giant sausage. Tips For Beginners ------------------ When you find two computers on a screen make sure that planet Earth appears on both monitors. It will be very useful. On the screen where you encounter Brave Bull (the bloodthirsty bull) you have to use the Superblow to wipe him off the screen. Your reward is a sausage of course. Don't waste sausages. Be Mariano as long as you can and you'll get farther in the end. Be patient and don't try to finish the game in one day. It's tough and requires a lot of dedication. Enjoy yourself! Captain S Game Controls ----------------------- Redefinable keys. Joystick compatible (use a Kempston interface for Spectrum).