Spellbinder =========== Spellbinder ----------- You are Eldon the Spellbinder. You must find the evil Zorn and, by collecting the correct magic ingredients, mix a spell to banish this malevolent being from the peaceful land of Lorraine. A captivating 3D adventure full of problems to be solved by magical means. Only the appropriate ingredients mixed in the right order will produce the powerful spells which you need to complete your mission of destiny. Playing The Game ---------------- You must work your way through the many rooms comprising the castles' 2 floors, three citadels, catacomb and dungeon. To move between levels you must find a teleport or use portals. Your route through the castle is complicated due to secret passages, one way doors and doors which only appear after certain tasks have been performed. Magic Ingredients ----------------- Burned ashes are the most common ingredient used in spells that will affect other creatures; e.g. in freezing spells. Sulphur is used to restore strength and for healing spells. Toads Legs are used in freezing spells. Dried roots used for healing and shielding spells. Use Of Spells ------------- Heal - Casting the spell will raise your strength by 10%. Ingredients: Sulpur and dried roots. Freeze - Used against creatures, in order to slow them down. Only effectinve whilst you are in the room. Ingredients: Toads legs and Burned ashes. Air-Shield - Protects you from the creatures of the castle. Makes their attacks 50% less effective. Ingredients: wine and burned ashes. Icons ----- Move - Allows movement as normal. Look/Search Object - When standing next to an object this function will search it for other objects, clues or special uses. Check Inventory - Your strength and inventory are shown in sequence by pressing the ? key. Mix A Spell - You must have an appropriate recipe. Choose your ingredients by pressing the ? key followed by RETURN. Must be chosen in the same order as the recipe. Select the endmarker. Cast A Spell - Choose the spell you wish to cast and press RETURN. Use An Item - Choose the item you wish to use and press RETURN. Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, * - Backwards, ? - Forwards BBC Electron f0 movement 1 f1 look/search 2 f2 inventory 3 f3 mix spell 4 f4 cast spell 5 f5 use item 6 f6 sound on/off 7 f7 pause on/off 8 f8 decrease volume f9 increase volume Shift + Esc lose life Shift + Esc Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: Hold SHIFT and tap BREAK.