Keys Of The Wizard ================== A high speed, machine code adventure game, which is randomized so that no two games are ever exactly the same. Find all the treasures and store them safely in the sanctuary, whilst fighting off the creatures which can attack at any time, avoiding traps and tricks. Played in real time. Over 200 rooms. Three skill levels. Save game to tape feature. 1 or 2 Joysticks required. Skill Levels ------------ 1. This level is for the novice player and can be played in 2-6 hours. At this level, only a few treasures are hidden, the creatures are easy to defeat and only a few special tricks are active. It is recommended you play the first few games at this level in order to familiarize yourself with the various commands etc., at your disposal. 2. For the intermediate player and can be played in 4-10 hours. At this level, more treasures are hidden, the creatures are slightly more dangerous and more of the special tricks and traps are active. 3. Only for the advanced player, and can take 10 hours or more to play. All the treasures are hidden, the creatures are very dangerous and all the special tricks and traps are active. When the prompt for skill levels is displayed, press the appropriate number from 1 to 3 and the game will automatically start. Game Commands ------------- All the commands are two word (one verb and one noun) commands with the exception of the following: NORTH (N), SOUTH (S), EAST (E), WEST (W), UP (U), DOWN (D), QUIET (Q), UNCLE, REST (R), INVENTORY (INV) Just press N, S, E, W, U or D to go in the appropriate direction. The location description will tell you which directions are available at any time during the game. INV This wil tell you what you are carrying at any time during the game. QUIET This will temporarily halt the action of the adventure to allow the player to take a break. Current game status may be saved from this mode by pressing the "!" key. (See Saving Game To Tape). Pressing W will resume the current adventure. Pressing "$" or typing "UNCLE" will start a new game. When you die, you will automatically go into the "QUIET" mode and then the status of the game can be saved to tape. Ensure a blank cassette is inserted into your tape recorder and that it is wound past the red leader and that the "Play" and "Record" buttons are depressed before hitting the "!" key. READY This is used to prepare a weapon for combat. Readying a weapon will force you to drop everything except the weapon and won't allow you to "get" anything until you "un-ready" it. During the time that a weapon is "ready", creature attacks will not be so severe. Type "READY (name of weapon)". REST This used to help rebuild your physical strength. It also causes the creatures to move at 60 times their normal speed and to recuperate at 12 times that of normal. Creatures will also do twice as much damage to you if they attack while you're resting. DROP Type "DROP (name of weapon/object)". This is used in two ways: 1. to unready a weapon, and 2. to drop an object to the floor.