Shenanigans =========== Welcome ------- Countless legends tell of a magnificent Pot of Gold and enormous wealth hidden by leprechauns at the end of the rainbow. Many have attempted to find the marvellous treasure but success has eluded them and it remains hidden to this day. Because you are a dedicated adventurer, eager to face danger and challenges for great rewards, you have determined to search for that fabled Pot of Gold and succeed where others have failed. To assist in your search you have enlisted me, your trusted Dragon Computer to act as your eyes, ears and hands. Loading ------- CLOADM (ENTER) EXEC (ENTER) Playing ------- The computer is your guide and will interpret all of your two word commnads which should be entered as a verb plus a noun. Examples: To pick up a box, you might try: GET BOX To learn more about the box, try: EXAMINE BOX To open a locked door, try: UNLOCK DOOR To move North, try: GO NORTH As you travel through your adventure, hi-res graphic pictures will display your surroiundings. To move from one location to another check to see if obvious directions are listed. Compass directions may not be your only choices however, and you should check out all available options. I have a sizeable vocabulary of verbs and nouns so you can be creative in your choice of instructions. If one phrase doesn't work, try another approach. To speed play, I also understand a number of command abbreviations: Command Abbreviation GO NORTH N GO SOUTH S GO EAST E GO WEST W GO UP U GO DOWN D GET G PUT P TAKE INVENTORY I LOOK L In addition there are commands to pick up and drop several objects simultaneously. The GET ALL command will pick up all objects in your current location (provided you can carry them) and the PUT ALL command will do the reverse. Some items or objects may not be displayed on the screen - so be sure to check the text description at each location for a listing of everything visible. It is a good idea to EXAMINE each object for clues and valuable information. If your search for the solution to this puzzle takes longer than planned, you may use the SAVE GAME command to save your progress on a cassette tape. Use the LOAD GAME command at a later time to resume play. The SCORE command provides you with the number of moves used during play. The SCORE, LOAD and SAVE commands do not count as moves. The best advice for adventure gaming is to be logical and try to think of all options. Maintaining a constant curiosity with a careful eye to detail will help you to win the game in a minimum number of moves.