Saloon Sally ============ Saloon Sally ------------ While a fight progresses at Sally's Wild West Saloon, help her avoid the brawling cowboys and collect the gold. The pianist's non-stop playing will drive you frantic! A compulsive and addictive machine code action game. The Game -------- Saloon Sally is in a tricky situation. A fight has broken out in her saloon, started by four mean-looking cowboys who had ridden into town that afternoon. They had been drinking and gambling all evening, and had large amounts of gold which they had obviously not earned by conventional means. Most of the gold is still sitting on the tables while they throw their weight around. While the fight progresses help Sally to avoid the brawling cowboys and collect the gold lying on the tables. These guys are pretty tough characters and will jump on Sally if they catch her. But Sally is no pushover, and can send a table or chair flying at the touch of a space bar - if it hits a cowboy it will stun him for a while (stun all four for bonus points but watch out because they will revive much more quickly). To collect the gold, first kick the table aside using the space bar, then grab it and run. If you need to get through a chair or empty table in a hurry just keep running against it - enough effort and it should disintegrate! Occasionally the lights may get smashed and you will have to be twice as careful since under the cover of darkness the cowboys will try to collect the gold themselves and break through the tables to catch up with Sally. Meanwhile, in the best traditions of his profession, the pianist will keep on playing whatever happens - even if he does get faster at the most frantic points. If you collect all the gold, you gain bonus points and start again at the next level - where everything goes that much faster, including the pianist's favourite melody! Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, * - Up, ? - Down, SPACE - Hurl Table/Chair The table or chair will be thrown in the direction of the last movement made by Sally. Loading ------- CHAIN"" (RETURN) Game Credits ------------ Copyright 1983 Psion.