Puncman 3 & 4 ============= Puncman 3 & 4 ------------- Puncman 3 & 4 has three programs to help learn punctuation in a really enjoyable way. Info shows you what to do. The seven stores in Puncman 3 use full stops, capitals, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and speech marks. Watch Nosher gobble the exclamation question and speech marks, then you put them back using the four 'arrow' keys. Press D to drop a letter in place. Puncman 4 sees Nosher "at his worst", eating any and every kind of punctuation mark *at random*. Again, seven original stories. Difficulty Level: The story pages become longer and therefore more difficult according to their number. The stories are sequential - children will enjoy them most by working through them in order. Ages 8 and upwards. Escape - press this key to give up, and choose a different story page. Loading ------- Tape: CHAIN"" (RETURN) Disc: SHIFT-BREAK