War Cars Construction Set ========================= War Cars Construction Set ------------------------- All the thrills and spills of a Grand Prix championship and a stock car rally combined. The Game -------- War Cars Construction Set offers a truly computerised simulation of slot car racing. All the thrills and spills of a Grand Prix championship combined with the aggressive competition of stock car rally. The frustration of building tracks that don't work has been taken away to leave you with hours of unadulterated fun! Playing The Game ---------------- Within the gigantic roadway system of the War Cars Arena both you and your computerised opponent seek the special flags located around the track in order to collect as many points losing as few lives as possible. Each flag is worth a minimum of 100 points. If, after collecting six flags, you have more flags than your opponent you will be given a 100 point bonus for every extra flag you possess. To assist each player you start out with two boulders which can be used to block your opponent's path for a short time. Press Fire to release a boulder, only one boulder may be released at once. The Flags --------- The rock flag Replenishes your rock supply (maximum of two) The car flag Awards an extra life (maximum of five) The bonus flag 100 points The chase flag Allows you to crash into your opponent without losing a life or awards points for your closeness of proximity to your opponent The Construction Set -------------------- Included in the War Cars is a built-in track designer that allows you to create up to five new tracks. To enter the design mode press Fire. This accesses the selection screen. By moving your joystick up or down select the design roadway option and press Fire. The selection screen will now show a list of tracks 1 to 5. Use your joystick to select a track and press Fire again. The top left hand screen will show a 1/64th scale blank map and the top right hand screen one 1/64th square with a grid cursor indicating the placement for a piece of track. Press Fire to access the design mode. From here on use I an O to move through the track pieces on the selection screen at the bottom left of the screen, then move the grid cursor using the joystick controls and press Fire to place the piece under the cursor. Repeat this process for each new piece of track you lay. When you have finished your track design press P; this will access the central selection screen again. Select design end and press Fire. You are now back to the main menu which will allow you to play the game. Do's And Don'ts --------------- Always make sure there are no loose ends to your track design. Never make up tracks with less than ten corners in it as this will confuse the program's placement of the flags. If you design a bad track layout, the program will automatically abort it and put you back into the design mode. Game Controls ------------- Z - Left, X - Right, ] - Up, / - Down, ENTER - Fire, P - Pause In-Track Editor Mode: Up/down arrow and copy = Track Style Control I - Increment trace piece (use normal game controls to place piece) Saving And Loading ------------------ To save the tracks and the current high score table select the save option on the main menu, press Record and Play on your tape recorder, then press Fire. The loading procedure is the same but only requires you to press Play on your recorder. Loading ------- |TAPE CTRL-Small ENTER Game Credits ------------ (c) Clive Brooker Amstrad conversion by Paul Johnson