Commodore User

By Micro Style
Amiga 500

Published in Commodore User #75


If anything, Xenophobe could quite easily win package quote of the year. On the front of the box, in big white letters, is the highly inventive "Exterminate the aliens", a hard sell winner in my books. Still, it's accurate, if not inspiring all the same. In Xenophobe, it's your job to go solo, or with a buddy, to board alien-infested space vessels and bases to burge them.

The first procedure is to swap disks, yes there's two of them. Follow this by selecting your character(s). An ensuing graphics sequence introduces you to the new location.

Step out of the teleporter and you're instantly confrnted by outcasts from "Aliens". Pods burst open to release Critters, who then wrap themselves around various parts of your body. Rollerbaby's roll and flatten you, then jump on your face for good measure. Tentacles reach out and smother you; the grossly named Snotterpillars fire a certain mucus-like substance in your direction. And, finally, Festors hide themselves around corners until you're in range - then reveal themselves while throwing objects at you.

In order to complete a level you have to destroy a set percentage of the aliens, before the ship self destructs. If you come across the terminal and hit the relevant switch the self destruct countdown is delayed and gives you more time for blasting.

This is only a slightly better conversion than the C64 version, it features a very standard soundtrack, beefed up with samples, and some pretty basic graphics. Xenophobe Amiga is pretty average, but will be sought after by fans of the original.

Mark Patterson