
By Computer Concepts
BBC Model B

Published in Beebug #4


This game is really fun, and very, very addictive. You must imagine that you are the head of a snake, you move around the board, using the left and right cursor keys, gobbling up red blobs. For each red one you eat you gain one point, one segment of body is added to your length, and a mauve blob appears somewhere on the screen.

If you gobble a mauve blob you get two points, two segments added, and a green square appears. If you hit an edge or a green square you get killed. Occasionally a white blob appears; this gets you bonus points for the speed at which you can reach it to gobble it up. The 'Death March' is played when you die, and although fun at first, it becomes dreadfully boring waiting while it finishes.

It is very exciting because eventually you are perhaps 100 segments in length, and hence your body trails around the screen. If you collide with yourself then death. You have two other controls: the Shift key which speeds up your motion, and the Space bar which fires a laser, destroying any obstacle in its path within five squares. Once you have gobbled up everything that you can, the game pauses before displaying page 2, which is a new layout, I reached page 3, but I presume that there are more.

It can be played on a black and white set as the blobs are all slightly different in shape too.

Very addictive, not to be played with a few beers inside you. Easy to get your left and rights muddled when travelling down the screen. A really excellent game.

Pauline Henderson