Commodore User


Publisher: Audiogenic
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #12


This is the ancient (?) game of Othello or Reversi - actually it's a mere century old. Played by humans, winning lines are easily overlooked; so this is one strategy game which gains somewhat from being subjected to the computer's scrutiny.

There are eight levels of play (the last being for Smart Alecs only) with ever-deeper analysis by the micro of each move - and ascending difficulty and complexity. All the normal strategy game functions are provided - things like HELP, TAKE BACK MOVE and SET UP. Full instructions are provided on the insert; and the whole package is markedly superior to 'type-it-yourself' versions.

Nit-picking time: why not allow a choice of counter colours instead of just black and white? But for the acid test... well, I've bought it myself.