Commodore User

Pesky Painter

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Supersoft
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #13

Pesky Painter

The first screen discloses four palace guards pursuing the painter chappie, making sure he prepares the surfaces instead of just slopping on the jollop. YOu have to outthink and out-run them until you've travelled every corridor, cleaning up the whole caboodle. When the four corners have been coloured it's the guards turn to skedaddle, adding bonus points, if you catch them, to your score for each completed square.

A brief intermission for the bonus screen, guide the creature to a bunch of bananas, then down to business. Your chance to paint, now that you have turned into a paint brush. But each room has to adjoin a previously painted area. To help you avoid the mouse-like pursuers three fire crackers are at your disposal. Success takes you back to a harder screen one; one extra guard and naturally a change of colour scheme.

Musically speaking the contents are very similar to Paramount's Outback 64, which is a fair recommendation.