Personal Computer News

Micro Professor Dons The Mortarboard Again

Published in Personal Computer News #076

Micro Professor Dons the Mortarboard Again...

Apple's legal department might be limbering up this morning with the reappearance of Micro Professors in the UK, but the MPF-1P shouldn't tax them too much. It is based on a Z80.

Pelco Electronics (0708 61911) launched the MPF-1P last week as a Z80 tutor for students. The machine comes from Multitech, maker of the controversial MPF-II, reviewed by PCN (issue 9) and withdrawn from the UK when Apple claimed it infringed Apple copyrights. The MPF-II was a 6502-based system that claimed 'Applesoft compatibility'; it cost £269 - truly a bargain for Apple II fanciers.

The MPF-1P is an upgraded version of a single-board Z80 device, and in Pelco's catalogue it will complement the Rockwell Aim 65, a board-level 6502 system. It comes with 4K of RAM, 8K of ROM, a built-in power supply, 49-key keyboard and a 20 digit alphanumeric display. For that you pay £150.

Multitech manufactures add-on modules covering such features as I/O, sound generation and speech synthesis. These range in price from £40 to £90.

Peter Worlock